Fall Induction
Event Schedule
6:00 â 8:30 PM Registration at Love Dining Hall
6:00â 8:30 PM Candidate gathering at Fort Brumley
7:00 â 8:00 PM Elangomat Meeting at Fort Brumley
10:00 PM Pre â Ordeal Ceremonies should be over
10:00 PM Cracker Barrel at Love Dining Hall
7:15 AM Candidate Breakfast at Fort Brumley or Henderson Pavilion
7:45 AM Service Project Session 1
8:00 AM Member Breakfast at Love Dining Hall
11:45 AM End of Service Project Session 1
12:00 PM Candidate Lunch at location of current work site
12:30 PM Member Lunch at Love Dining Hall & Mandatory Brotherhood meeting
- Advisers Lunch/Meeting- Bill Loeble Room (downstairs)
12:30 PM Service Project Session 2 begins
3:45 PM Service Project Session 2 ends leave to return tools NOT BEFORE!!!!
4:00 PM Clans assemble at Fort Brumley or Henderson Pavilion for Snack
4:45 PM Ordeal Ceremonies begin
6:00 PM Brotherhood Trail Begins â Meet under Back Porch of Love Dining Hall
6:30 PM Dinner at Love Dining Hall.
- New Ordeal Members, Elangomats, Brotherhood Ceremonialists have priority.
7:00 -10:00 PM Tailypo/Movie for New Ordeal members
8:00 PM Brotherhood Ceremony
10:00 PM Lodge Cracker Barrel at Love Dining Hall
- NEW Ordeal Members, NEW Brotherhood Members, Ceremonialists, and Nimats have priority
7:40 AM Interfaith Service at Dining Hall
8:00 AM Breakfast at Love Dining Hall
8:45 AM New Members receive bag complete digital JUMP Start
8:45 AM Brothers begin camp clean-up by chapter assignment/must be Ranger approved before release
10:00 AM Brothers dismissed from dining hall
*LEC as soon as camp is cleaned up â Bill Loble Room – Time TBD
Campsite Assignments
 *** Tent Layout Assignments Here ***Â
Interfaith Service Program
Interfaith Service
Fall Induction & Fellowship Weekend
Bert Adams Scout Camp
Opening Welcome
Welcome, friends and community members, to this interfaith service where we gather to
reflect on service and brotherhood. These valuesâservice to others and the spirit of
brotherhoodâbring us closer together, inspiring us to support one another regardless of
faith, background, or creed. Let our hearts and minds be open to the words of wisdom
from various traditions that remind us of our common purpose in serving each other and
building a united community.
Responsive Reading
How good and pleasant it is when we dwell together in unity.
All Scouts:
We are called to serve one another with love and compassion.
From each faith, we hear the call to be of service, to share our strength and comfort with
those in need.
All Scouts:
In our hearts, we recognize our brothers and sisters in all people.
Let us stand together in a spirit of brotherhood, ready to serve without seeking reward.
All Scouts:
May we give freely and receive humbly, knowing we are stronger together.
Together, we are one community, bound by love and service.
Reading from the Bible
From the Christian tradition, we read in Galatians 5:13:
âFor you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as
an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.â
In this verse, we are reminded that true freedom comes not from putting ourselves first
but from serving others with a generous heart. May we be guided by this wisdom as we
extend kindness and aid to all who need it.
Reading from the Torah
From the Torah, Deuteronomy 15:11:
âFor there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore, I command you, âYou shall
open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.ââ
This passage teaches us that compassion for the less fortunate is a duty we all share.
Let us honor this call to serve others as an expression of our faith, embracing our
responsibility to support those in need with open hands and open hearts.
A Scout is Reverent. Let us pray.
God, grant us the strength to serve others without expectation, to lend a helping hand
without seeking praise, and to see every person as our brother and sister. May we find
joy in uplifting one another, and may our service build bridges of understanding and
peace. Open our eyes to see those in need and our hearts to respond with love and
Responsive Reading on the Spirit of Brotherhood
We are each called to serve, not only those close to us but all who share this world.
All Scouts:
In serving others, we find our purpose and our joy.
Brotherhood means seeing the divine spark in every person we meet.
All Scouts:
Through service, we embrace this spirit of unity and peace.
May we rise to the challenge, offering kindness and strength where it is needed.
All Scouts:
And may we always be grateful for the opportunity to serve.
Together, we create a world filled with compassion, love, and peace.
Message on Service and Brotherhood
Today, letâs reflect on how service and brotherhood shape our lives and communities.
From each tradition, we learn that service is not only an action but a way of being.
When we see each other as family, as part of one larger human family, we cannot help
but feel the call to support and uplift one another.
In the Jewish tradition, we find the concept of tikkun olam, repairing the world through
our actions. This means that every act of kindness and every moment spent helping
others contributes to a better world. In Buddhism, the Bodhisattva vow calls one to
serve all beings until all are free from suffering. The Prophet Muhammad, in Islam,
reminded his followers that âthe best among you are those who bring the greatest
benefit to others.â And in Christianity, Jesus taught that when we care for âthe least of
these,â we are caring for him.
All these teachings inspire us to see service not as a duty but as an honorâa way to
express our faith and our love for humanity. Let us each strive to make our lives a
blessing to those around us, offering friendship, kindness, and support wherever we
Closing Prayer
A Scout is Reverent. Let us pray.
As we prepare to leave this space, may we carry with us the spirit of brotherhood and a
commitment to service. May we see each opportunity to help another as a gift, and may
we find fulfillment in making the world a kinder, more compassionate place.
God, help us to honor all people, serve without hesitation, and love without condition.
Let our actions be a source of light and hope. Guide us, strengthen us, and bring us
together in unity and peace.
Closing Benediction
May the spirit of brotherhood and service live in our hearts and lead our actions. As we
go forward, let us be inspired by the wisdom of our faiths and committed to making a
difference in the lives of those around us. May peace, love, and kindness accompany us
Camp Cleanup Assignments
Achewon Woapalanne | Fort Brumlee |
Echota | Shooting Sports Bathhouse |
Etowah | Dining Hall |
Kennesaw | Pool house Bathrooms |
Lowanne Nimat | Dining Hall |
Nagatamen | Lower Dining Hall |
Osten Nokose | Dining Hall |
Silepl Ilaonëtu | AC BThrooms |
Tella Qualla Boundary | Lower Dining Hall |
Thennethlofkee | Dining Hall |
Wesadicha | AC Bathhouses |
Wvhvlv en Hvresse | AC Bathhouses |
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